Star Trek Online (Free To Play)
Minimum: OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 DirectX: 9.0c Processor: 1.8GHz (Single Core) RAM: 1GB Hard Drive: 5GB Jump To Should Run On |
Links: Official Site
The following description was taken from HereStar Trek Online will be the first AAA MMO to feature space and ground combat at launch.
Missions will take you and your friends into the depths of space, across exotic planets, and even inside starships! As the Captain of your very own ship, it's up to you to lead your crew on missions that span a number of locations. You call the shots, no matter where you are.
When you're in space, you direct the action - be it in the middle of a high-tension battle, where you can maneuver in 3-D space and fire a vast array of weaponry at your enemies, or as you enter warp to explore parts of the galaxy never before documented.
On the ground, you lead your away team across exciting terrain, interacting with allies and battling enemies. Every Captain commands four subordinates on the ground, all of which can be directed to act in any manner you choose. Can you lead them safely through dangerous locales?